This page is dedicated to our most frequently asked questions and answers to help you make the most of the Fame UK Reunion.
This page will be regularly updated, so please check back for further updates.
What is the difference between concert and convention?
Difference between concert and the convention. The concert is a musical event where the cast from the TV show will be on stage and will be singing songs from the show. The convention is a place where fans can meet and talk all things Fame. There will be visits from the cast and a Q&A, as well as other Fame fan related events. The convention is a separate ticket and does not include entry to the concerts or accommodation.
What is the difference between VIP and general admission tickets?
General admission tickets are purchased through the venue or Eventim and you will buy a ticket to the concert. The VIP tickets are sold separately through FameUKReunion and you will purchase a seat within the first 7 rows plus other events that have been arranged, these vary from dinner with the cast to signed photos of the cast. The different packages are designed to cover all price ranges and all level of fan. You can find the VIP tickets here
How to get here and where to stay
For the maps, hotels and travel sharing with other Fame fans, please join the Destination Fame UK group on Facebook.
For an exclusive Fame fan offer from our partners at the Shankly Hotel please visit follow this link
What is the aftershow party?
There are two parties, the first is on the Saturday night at the Fame Family Experience (convention) and is a party for the fans to sing, dance, eat, drink and be merry. The cast have been invited but we don’t know whether any will turn up, it will depend how they are getting on with their rehearsal. The second party is after the show on Sunday and this is a party where the cast will be. There will be a complimentary drink and canapés for all as well as a disco.
Cast accommodation and privacy
The cast accommodation has now been confirmed however we will not be disclosing the location and we request that you respect that. The cast are graciously giving up a lot of their time over this weekend to attend various meet and greet events, they will have very little down time and, as we all appreciate, their accommodation will be where they can relax and switch off for short spaces of time. We ask that you respect their need for rest and to recharge.
Why not London?
Liverpool was selected for a number of reasons - its central for the entire UK (Not just England). The charity is located nearby so the cast will be able to visit easily. Accommodation is cheaper than London. The producer lives nearby so can continue with her day job whilst working on the event. Also, Liverpool is a great city with lots to offer. The decision to go to Liverpool was made by everyone, including the cast.
Can we bring more of the cast?
Virtually everyone from the first 4 seasons has been invited, their reasons for not attending vary, most because they are busy with other plans.
Can we bring the dancers?
Unfortunately funds will not allow for that luxury, which would be a dream of ours too.
What to wear
The VIP events will be informal so please dress in what you feel comfortable, we recommend smart but casual. The concerts will be musical performances of many original songs from the TV show, so we recommend leg-warmers! There is no dress code for the convention, anything from posh to fancy dress is welcome!