P.R. Paul

PR Paul played drama student Montgomery MacNeil in Season 1 in 1982.
After "Fame" PR continued his acting career guest staring on other American TV shows like “Falcone”, “Chips”, “Designing Women”. He co stared in the movie “Hollywood Knights”. He can also be seen in “Bent” directed my Academy Award winner Bobby Moresco. In “Bent” he also produced the song “Ball Of Confusion” sung by Grace Gealey
In 1989 after his Father passed away he was faced with a choice to either continue with his career or take over the family business. A clothing store in Fire Island, NY
2007 PR was diagnosed with stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma which made him change his lifestyle and sell the business. Now recovered PR has returned to acting and music.
His later projects include “Satellite” a song sung by the cast of Fame.
The song and video “Hot Times In the City” is about growing up in the dangerous “Hells Kitchen” on New York’s west side.
Soon to come:
New songs and videos:
“Love Is Bigger”
“Everything Works Out Just Fine” a duet with the wonderful Cynthia Gibb